Welcome to St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church


a historic church rooted in the Episcopal tradition, shares the love of Christ, putting faith into action through worship, prayer and outreach in the downtown community and beyond.

We invite you to join us for Mass IN PERSON and live on Facebook every
Sunday morning at 7:30am and 10:30am

Click here to watch the Sunday Mass live on our Facebook page

Sunday School Inquiry
Parents, let’s have a conversation!
We’re looking to restart Sunday School services, but we need your input! Please take a moment to complete the survey, or contact the office with the days and times that work best for you to meet with Fr Dave to talk about Sunday School.

Bible Study, Wednesday @ 6:30pm

Join us for  Bible Study, Wednesdays @ 6:30pm 
Lower Hall (Guild Hall), 5900 7th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53140
Through the summer months, we will continue our exploration of the Apocalypse of John, also known as the Revelation to John. We will be using the commentary: The Book of Revelation (Collegeville Bible Commentary – New Testament Series No 11) by the pre-eminent New Testament scholar Pheme Perkins. Copies of the book are available for $10 in the parish office or you can pick one up an any Bible Study meeting.

Reading/Homework for the Week of Oct 16th – Please read Daniel chapter 7& Revelation chapters 13-14 before class. I encourage you to make notes and write down questions that the reading provokes. Please also read Pheme Perkins’ commentary paragraphs

Morning Prayer in the Eldergarten (TBD)
Join us this summer when we resume our Saturday morning prayer service in the garden
Eldergarten, 5901 4th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53140

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Message from the Senior Warden

The Vestry, after prayerful discernment and consideration, voted unanimously at our meeting last night to elect The Rev. David Manley as Rector of St. Matthew’s Parish, Kenosha effective July 1, 2023. Please join us in celebrating this commitment to an on-going partnership between St. Matthew’s and Father Dave.

The Vestry feels very blessed that Father Dave has agreed to walk with us as we enter this new phase in the spiritual life of our Church. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Greg Parrish – Junior Warden.

Yours in Christ,

Karen Dubiel
Senior Warden

Bishop Sean Rowe addresses the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, after his election and confirmation as the 28th presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church. He takes office on Nov. 1. Photo: Scott Gunn

Bishop Sean Rowe elected 28th presiding bishop, will begin 9 year term Nov 1st

The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, bishop of Northwest Pennsylvania and bishop provisional of Western New York, was elected and confirmed June 26th at the 81st General Convention to serve as the 28th presiding bishop. His nine-year term as presiding bishop, the face and voice of The Episcopal Church and its chief pastor, begins Nov 1st. [ Read More ]

Bible Study, Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Lower Hall (Guild Hall), 5900 7th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53140

Reading/Homework for the Week of Oct 16th – Please read Daniel chapter 7 and Revelation chapters 13-14 before class. I encourage you to make notes and write down questions that the reading provokes. Please also read Pheme Perkins’ commentary paragraphs If you need copies of the handouts or slides, please contact Fr. Dave.

Coffee Hour, Sundays @ 10:30am (after service)
St Matthew’s Church, 5900 7th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53140

Soup Kitchen, Oct 20th @ 4:30pm
Shalom Center, 4314 39th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53144
Help us continue our partnership with the Shalom Center to feed the hungry!
You will work approximately 2 hours on the 3rd Sunday of the month. As this is an ongoing mission, you can work 1 month, or every month, it’s up to you!

Stewardship Sunday, December 1st
More information coming soon

Lessons & Carols, TBD
More information coming soon

Blue Christmas, TBD
More information coming soon

Family Mass, Christmas Eve TBD
More information coming soon

High Solemn Mass, Christmas Eve TBD
More information coming soon

Christmas Mass, TBD
More information coming soon

Annual Parish Meeting, TBD
More information coming soon


Care kits provide essential items for people experiencing homelessness. Things like toiletries, nutritious food, hand warmers, first aid supplies, and clean socks and clothing can help to improve their quality of life and make their daily struggles a little easier.

We need travel-size: Deodorant, Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, Dental Floss, Mouthwash (alcohol-free), Lotion, Chapstick, Waterproof bags and/or backpacks, and non-perishable food like PB or Cheese Cracker Snacks, Beef Jerky, Trail Mix, or other non-perishable food, and bottled water or Gatorade.

If you need a prayer shawl for illness, spiritual need, comfort, celebration, or any other reason please call the office at 262-654-8642 to make arrangements. Prayer shawls and blankets are available in the back of the church in the cabinet.

Sign up to sponsor altar flowers in thanksgiving, celebration, or memory of a loved one. Donations of $50.00 are suggested. Use the flower chart in church, or contact the office.

Please contact the office at 262-654-8642 or email to renew your prayer request,
to submit a new prayer request, or to provide updates.

Come and seek God’s promise at St. Matthew’s Church. The members of St. Matthew’s Church extend an open invitation and warm welcome to everyone to seek and find the love of Jesus Christ.  We would love to walk our Christian journey of being disciples of Jesus with you. We believe St. Matthew’s is a place for you to grow and develop in your faith.

St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
5900 7th Avenue,  Kenosha, WI 53140
Phone: (262) 654-8642   Fax: (262) 605-5526
Email: [email protected]

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